Originating in the Mediterranean, Oregano Origanum vulgare has been used for thousands of years, originally by the Greeks, for curing a variety of ailments, from convulsions to heart failure. In the 19th century, herbal doctors proscribed oregano as a general well being tonic as well as to promote menstruation. The name oregano originates from the ancient Greek verb 'orego' which means I reach out and grab food, which is why one of its oldest uses is to open the appetite. Oregano is the same family as wild marjoram, thyme and savory. Oregano possess many beneficial properties. In the treatment of chronic candidiasis through its anti-fungal properties. Oregano as a tea, tincture or in capsule form can also be used to treat indigestion, heartburn, and low stomach acidity. Also beneficial treatment for infections, including yeast infections. Oregano directly attacks microbes while inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans. Oregano is said ton contain 3% volatile essential oil, -carvacrol -thymol -borneol -rosmarinic acid -triterpenoids, which are ursolic and oleanolic acid - sterols -vitamin A -vitamin C. Ours is much more potent as is it's nature from wild crafted oregano from the island of Kalymnos, owing completely to it's environmental conditions of dry heat all summer with no rain(usually). The antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties of oregano are attributed to thymol and carvacol. Clinical studies have shown oregano to be extremely effective in inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans. Additionally it has anti-microbial properties against a large array of bacteria including Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella enterica and Staphylococcus aureus. Directions: 1 - 2 capsules per day with meal. Weighs 70.00 grams. Το βότανο χρησιμοποιήθηκε από την αρχαιότητα για τις αντιμικροβιακές, αντιβιωτικές, μυκητοκτόνες ιδιότητες του. Ξηρό, θερμό, πικρό, αρωματικό ως προς την Ιπποκρατική θεώρηση των Βοτάνων,εξισορροπεί την υγρασία στο ανθρώπινο σώμα. Αποτελεσματικό στις διάρροιες, υγρό επίμονο βήχα, βρογχίτιδες, ασθμα, ρευματικούς πόνους, κυρίως όμως στεγνώνει την υπερβολική υγρασία στα έντερα και καταπολεμά παράσιτα, μύκητες και μικρόβια στο πεπτικό αλλά και το αναπνευστικό σύστημα. Αυξάνει την όρεξη. Από το αρχαίο ορέγω: απλώνω το χέρι και αρπάζω φαί! Χρήση: 1 -2 καψουλες την ημέρα, με τα γεύματα.

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