American ginseng Panax quinquefolius root is one of the most prized herbs in the world and is believed to have health-improving elements. In fact, it is most revered in China, even though an almost identical herb, called Asian ginseng, is native there. Here's how American ginseng root works as an alternative medicine. It can help lower blood sugar in people with diabetes mellitus when taken 30 to 60 minutes before eating. American ginseng also helps the body cope with stress and strengthens the immune system. Cancer cells tend to secrete compounds that inhibit the immune system, and there is some evidence that ginseng can reduce the immune-suppressing and immune-damaging effects of cancer and of treatments for cancer, such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. It revitalizes your body, increasing mental efficiency and boosting your stamina and energy. Useful in Bronchitis, circulatory problems, diabetes an infertility. Helps lower cholesterol and possibly malignant growths. Beneficial on the adrenal, pituitary glands, endocrine system and organs of the body such as the kidneys. Useful for depression and anxiety. Rich in antioxidants it helps boost the immune system while lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure. An overall tonic for the system. American Ginseng has anti-inflammatory properties and is thought to be helpful for relieving rheumatism, headaches, colds, coughs, bronchitis, constipation and cystitis. Its anti-inflammatory properties may be useful in reducing fevers and lung problems. Considered to be a stress reducer, energizer and normalizer. Taken in low doses, it acts as a mild sedative; in large doses, it is a stimulant. Directions: 1 or 2 a day 1 hr before meals. Weighs 70.00 grams. Panax quinquefoliusΤο ευγενέστερο από όλα τα είδη Τζίνσενγκ. Μια ισχυρή ασπίδα και ένα σοφό προσαρμογενές βότανο δώρο της φύσης στον άνθρωπο όπως και τόσα άλλα.Ρυθμίζει τα επίπεδα του σακχάρου , ισχυροποιεί το αμυντικό σύστημα, ρυθμίζει το στρες, τις αλλεργίες, υποστηρίζει την ρύθμιση των ορμονών, κάνει τον οργανισμό να δουλεύει στις δικές του καλύτερες δυνατότητες.Πολύ κατάλληλο για παιδιά, νεαρά άτομα, και μεγάλους όταν οι ανάγκες το καλούν. Χρήση:1 ή 2 την ημέρα ½ ώρα πριν το γεύματα.

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